Performance Management

President DesRoches communication regarding the new staff performance management program

What is Performance Management?

Performance Management is an ongoing partnership between supervisors and staff to accomplish university and departmental goals. The process focuses on aligning employee roles and goals with the university’s mission and supporting employee development and performance.

Why is Rice implementing a standardized performance management program?

  • Establish a common language for performance expectations and evaluation and encourage consistent communication and alignment between supervisors and staff.
  • Facilitate succession planning by identifying and developing high-potential employees to ensure Rice has a pipeline of qualified talent to meet the needs of the University.
  • Develop staff by regularly providing feedback and opportunities for growth, which increases job satisfaction, motivation, and productivity.

Performance Management Cycle

The performance management cycle includes goal setting for the year, daily coaching and feedback, a mid-year performance check-in, and the end-of-year performance evaluation.

The annual performance management cycle will run through the fiscal year, beginning July 1 and ending June 30.

  • The Goal Setting Process began on July 5, 2023
  • The Mid-Cycle Check-in will began on December 5, 2023.
  • The Performance Evaluation process will begin on May 7, 2024.


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