Performance Management FAQ

Performance Management Frequently Asked Questions

Why are we launching a campus-wide performance management program?
  • To align all Rice Schools and Departments to the University's vision, mission and goals.
  • To standardize the performance management system across the organization.
  • To help develop a Performance Development program.
When will the program officially start?

The program will officially begin July 1, 2023.

Supervisor's will receive their employee's official goal-setting form via email from AdobeSign on July 5, 2023

As a supervisor, what will I be expected to do during this process?

Communicate with the members of your staff. The basis of this new system will be focused on goal creation.

  • Help your staff create goals and action plans.
  • Follow-up with your staff on their progress.
  • Evaluate your staff on their performance over the course of the year.
As a staff member, what will I be expected to do during this process?

In collaboration with your supervisor, create annual goals and action plans.

Follow-up with your supervisor.

When will we begin to set goals?

Preparation to set goals will begin now.

Document goals for when the program officially begins July 1, 2023.

Will there be training that will help me set goals?

Yes, training will begin April 2023.

Will there be tools and resources to aid me with the process?

Yes. On-demand training, tools and resources will be available and posted on the KnOWLedge Café

If we have a performance review form within our department, can we continue to use our form?

No. All departments are required to utilize a standardized form created for the university-wide performance management program.

Will this program replace our current performance management initiatives?

Yes. All departments are expected to participate in the university-wide performance management program (i.e., adhering to timelines, forms, etc.).

What is the timeline for implementing the performance management program?

Please refer to more information for timelines here.

How will this be tied to pay raises?

Please refer to more information for Compensation Guidelines here.

If I have questions during the process, who do I contact?


Additional questions? Contact
